instafate productions presents a film by the bakers four
distributed by
regnad kcin

Carlsbad Cactus has had a rough childhood. No one ever gave him a hug, not even his parents-his spines were too spiney. The other kids didn't invite him to play tag or capture the flag. Even duck duck goose was problematic. As the time for such games passed, he became only more lonely and forgotten.

Montana Cat is a songwriter and bassist for a local band. He is on the pulse of the vibe. His band, Libby vs. B. ICE, is popular at parties where they can really knock it out. When Montana heard about Carlsbad and his sad story, he wrote a special song just for him.

Unfortunately, before Montana was able to play the song for Carlsbad, his evil musical rival Blootie stole the notes and flung them across the desert in a fit of jealousy. How will Montana Cat ever be able to sing for Carlsbad Cactus now?

Lead Montana Cat through this desert maze to collect up the notes. When he has them all, he can sing the song to Carlsbad. (Be sure to turn your sound on!) He'll chase after the mouse pointer; no need to click. Watch out for hidden walls, and use the teleporters to reach distant places. Since different browsers run at different speeds, use the speed control to avoid annoyingly slow or impossibly fast. You can also change the size of the maze to alter the difficulty or to accommodate your screen size.

Use Internet Explorer if you can. Some versions of Netscape have some problems. With 3.01, some images may load slowly or not display. Netscape 2.02 (for the PC at least) sometimes decides to draw the maze off the bottom of the window; try using reload. Netscape on the Mac doesn't like you to leave or reload the page; you may have to just quit Netscape. It can also leave remnants of old mazes on the screen when you resize the maze.

Good luck, and be sure to see The Cat's Meow to find out just what happens to Montana Cat and Carlsbad Cactus. Now playing at selected theaters.